“Crawling on me like a centipede” should be punished with jail time. That is truly heinous, unforgivable, disgust and rage inducing and she and everyone else who worked on that song should never be allowed in a studio again. 🙅🏻‍♀️😤

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The visual is so hideous🤢 why why why??

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Immediately after listening to 143 I turned up tater tots it’s ok I’m ok and it felt like gobbling a Michelin star meal 🍽️

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It’s tragic. It’s beyond embarrassing too. I really hate to see anyone debut any work and get panned…. But seriously??? Did she try??? is the question. Idk I saw all of her marketing and press and build up to this… she seemed very excited about this so called “concept”…. It’s just awkward as hell I don’t like it. Thank you for pointing out the artificial vs ET of it all 🤭

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Oo we cookin wit this one..

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On the theme of this album being incredibly outdated and redundant and full of platitudes that have already done before but better - I was also thinking (and, to be fair, I have only listened to this album twice, and that was while watching yours and Zack’s reactions 🤣) that one song where Katy talks about catching her breath literally sounded soooo much like “Catch my Breath” by Kelly Clarkson, which is itself like a decade or more old I think. This whole album is just recycled slop being force fed to us. The experience is like those mama penguins who pre-digest their food and then spit it back up to give to the baby penguins. This album is penguin vomit. I refuse to eat it. The only good thing that came out of it is the reaction content from you and Zack. 😅

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we thank you for your sacrifice in listening to this truly horrible album in order to feed us

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This whole album is so cringe

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