All I know is I need Jack to smoke a few joints and log onto Instagram stories and tell us when this song was finished on main. Throw a bone to the girlies. I know he can. I know he wants to….

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I always thought The Alchemy was a Matty song that got retconned as a Travis song. The verses are clearly Matty inspired, and maybe she had other lyrics or ideas for the chorus. But then very shortly after Matty, she met and started dating Travis and going to the football games and would have been inspired by that experience and processed it through music. At which point, Taylor could have added sports language to the choruses and bridge to retconn it for Travis.

Narratively speaking — if you see the way TTPD standard follows a 3-act story strucutre — The Alchemy is part of the story resolution or "happy ending" of the album story. So, it doesn't make sense to have The Alchemy after TSMWEL (Matty's kiss off) if it is a 100% Matty song, not when at the time she was finishing the album she was publicly with Travis and going to his games. But would Taylor retconn a Matty song that she really liked and wanted on the album to be about her new muse? Why yes!

To say that The Alchemy is 100% a Travis song or 100% a Matty song — well, either direction is too far of a walk for me. But I'll let the two extremes rock. It is fascinating that the debate on The Alchemy has become the white/gold vs blue/black dress debate of the TS fandom. 😂 Either way, great song.

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I think Taylor knew that people would widely think The Alchemy was about Travis (if they thought about the muse at all) and stuck it at the end. The placement does make you think Travis, but breaking down the actual lyrics like Madeline did makes it pretty clear that it doesn’t really fit him. But most listeners aren’t going to analyze it deeply.

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The fact that people will listen to this and will still insist that Travis has some influence over the song… they really need to open the schools…

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exactly…not even finished the ep yet but exactly…i think it’s so key to also consider that the lyrics are formatted and used grammatically with a space between touch and down… “when i touch down”…IE when a PLANE touches down…”what if i told you im back”…she has touched down and is back …like “what if i told you im back…ive touched down back in your area, so time to forget all these other guys…we’re getting together” … i always considered it as “touch down” being used as a play on words, it’s both touching down somewhere, then using the team references because it also verbally sounds like touchdown 🫡

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well yes you just said this !!! exactly….

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Sep 8Edited

Wow…incredible episode Madeline!!! I’m the girl who made the Matty Healy Cinematic Universe playlist for Lizard Mail a few months ago… and guess what? Fresh Out the Slammer & The Alchemy are back to back 🤞🏼🫶🏼 also… heavy cowboy like me vibes with the “game” references as well!! everyone else was SWINDLED!

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SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I loved this episode! The connection you made between the hospital in The Alchemy and being sent away in Fortnight also made me think about "have they come to take me away" in Hits Different, and how the Kens in Hits Different come up again in My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys. Tortured Poets is really making me see so much of Midnights in a new light it's wild

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At first I really thought the song was about Travis, but actually what made me realize that you are probably right, and what I still think is kind of evidence for that it’s about Matty, is that Travis interview where he says so high school and blank space are his fave Taylor songs, and clearly means that so high school is about him. And the sort of annoying interviewer says something like “but don’t forget the alchemy” and Travis doesn’t really comment and just kinda looks around and laughs. And I think honestly since he’s spoken so much about so high school, if the alchemy, one of the “biggest” and I mean most grand songs on the album actually referenced his team winning and them hugging on the field, I think he would’ve spoken about it a lot more. Now I know a counter argument to that for some Tayvis pilled ppl might be that he loves the song and she preformed it for him, but I think that’s bc she has obviously now sort of dedicated it to him - bc why wouldn’t she. So yes this is a delicious and wonderful analysis. And I love the lyrical analyses on here, I am praying for some with a Halloween theme closer to the most anticipated time of the year😂😂🙏 🎃 🌕🌃

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THANKKK YEWWWW i’ve been arguing about this for months… especially the heroin/e joke ….. like why the fark would travis ever say that y’all!!!! the cardigan connection stopped me dead in my tracks tho ty lizard

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You’ve done it, lizard! I see the poetic vision. My nose was once turned up in the air. Thank you for bringing me back down to earth. Also yeah, despite my initial cringe at this song, I never once thought the Travis theory made sense. I heard the football references and immediately thought “this is too on the nose, must be a red herring.” Wait… now that I think about it…I didn’t dislike this song until I saw the discourse from tayvis stans… 🤔

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This was a delight. I've been in the trenches since April arguing that this isn't a Travis song, and you've made the case brilliantly. Thank you for also diving deep into the symbolism of "the alchemy" and what she actually meant by that -- mind blown. This has always been one of my favorites on TTPD production-wise but I found the lyrics lacking. Your analysis has made me appreciate them more.

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Also, total aside, but I’ve always heard the lyric in bejeweled as “I can still say I don’t, remember?” Like I can always leave this situation if I want. I Don’t belong to you.

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Madeline! When I was a kid I was ok with bridges, but there is a bridge from DC to the coast called The Chesapeake Bay Bridge. About ten years ago I went to drive across it (during a crazy period in my life). I snapped and barely made it over the bridge. When I got to the other side I literally laid down in the ground and cried. Now I pay college students to drive me over. Ever since then my bridges thing is pretty bad. George Washington bridge is another real terror.

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I looooove when you make your cupcake fans invitations😂😂🧡🧡Ps: I was scared of bridges too! Only because when I was in school they showed us examples of badly constructed bridges😒unnecessary

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I hear "I touch down" and think she's coming back down. Landing like a plane. I don't hear football. Am I crazy?

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just wanted to assert the parallels btwn the sentiment you are expressing here ab touching down and finally winning to: this revolution the time will come for us to finally win.... and we'll sing hallelujah..... really when you think ab it change and the alchemy are connected more much than most feeble minds will ever understand...

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fight for what we've worked for all these years / all the battle was long its the fight of our lives / but we'll stand up champions tonight

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I thought I'd commented this morning before I'd even finished the episode about how much I too am afraid of bridges and over passes! But, guess I didn't. Wanted to say brava & bellisimo!!!! Another fine lizard lyrical analysis- my absolute favorite segment of lizard review. Thank you girly!!!

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